
Reopening of Production and Shipping Operations

  • Company News

Mansfield, 30th April 2020

Subject: Reopening of Production and Shipping Operations


  • April 6, 2020 Notification “Temporary Closing of Production and Shipping Operations;
  • April 27, 2020 Update of Force Majeure Event;

Dear Valued Customer,

Over the past 30 days, Glenair has implemented extensive additional COVID-19 preventative measures within our “Safe-At-Work” program based on government guidelines and industry best-practices, to ensure returning employees are protected whilst at work.

With the implementation of these extensive measures, we are pleased to announce we are on schedule to reopen our production operations on Monday May 4th, 2020. We are proud of our team for the dedication and effort they’ve shown to bring Glenair onsite operations back online over the past 30 days.

The majority of engineering, sales, marketing, and certain other core functional areas will continue working from home for the time being, as they have successfully been through April.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local Glenair sales representative.

We truly appreciate your business and continued support during these uncertain times.

Thank you,

Tony Birks

Managing Director

Glenair UK Ltd