
Saying Yes to Oil & Gas

  • QwikConnect

This issue of QwikConnect highlights the incredible growth and diversity of our SeaKing underwater connector series, including a sneak-peek at our new “WetMate” SeaKing. I am told the wet-mate product, when we roll it out next year, will be user serviceable in the field and fully tested for compliance to API-17F. In the meantime, SeaKing WetMate is getting some real-world testing with our pals in the Oil & Gas industry—an industry that once again finds itself at the center of contentious debate. Glenair couldn’t be prouder to support this market sector with problem-solving interconnect technologies. Beyond our own business interests, I’d like to share a few reasons why this is so.

Economically, Oil & Gas is a powerhouse, creating a substantial number of jobs not only directly but in related fields such as manufacturing, transportation, and retail. It significantly contributes to the GDP of many countries, providing revenue to fund public services, infrastructure projects, and social programs. Additionally, domestic oil and gas production enhances national security by reducing reliance on foreign energy sources and minimizing vulnerability to geopolitical conflicts.

Technologically, the Oil & Gas industry is a driver of innovation. Advances in techniques like hydraulic fracturing and deep-sea drilling have expanded knowledge in engineering and geosciences, often leading to technological advancements in other sectors—a popular theme here at Glenair. These innovations also improve energy efficiency, reducing consumption and waste. Further, the industry plays a crucial role in developing infrastructure such as roads, pipelines, and ports, which benefits other market sectors and supports overall economic development.

Perhaps most importantly, Oil & Gas provides a reliable, stable, and abundant energy supply essential for industries, transportation, and households worldwide. This reliability is particularly crucial for developing countries, where affordable available energy can significantly improve living standards. At the production level, taxes and royalties from this sector are a substantial revenue source for many governments, funding public services such as education, healthcare, and social welfare. The industry’s investment in training and education programs enhances workforce skills, contributing to human capital development.

I could go on and on. But the point is life is better thanks to the men and women of the Oil & Gas industry, and we are proud to be part of their world. As our underwater connector team loves to point out, we offer Oil & Gas customers the most aggressive lead times in the industry for quality products packed with superior design, durability, and performance. As our new SeaKing WetMate connector makes its way out into the field, we trust its reliable sealing performance and serviceability will make life just a little bit easier for hard-working Oil & Gas crews worldwide.

This article appears in our July edition of QwikConnect. If you would like to subscribe, please click here.

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