Transport to Glenair


We’re here to help you get to Glenair using the various transport options available, whether that’s by bus using the Trent Barton Bus Service taking the train, car, bike or on foot.

Public Transportation is highly recommended, the Trent Barton Bus Service is a great affordable option and offers a both reliable and comfortable journey.

Whichever transport option you choose it’s important to plan ahead and know what to expect so you arrive safely and on time.

Below is a guide to help you travel to Glenair safely and on time.

Phase 7

Glenair Sites

Glenair has 10 sites, all located within the Oakham Business Park.

All visitors please visit Reception on arrival situated at Phase 1.

Please find our Campus site map below:

Glenair UK Site Map

Modes of Transport


More environmentally friendly forms of transport are encouraged, however, we do have free on-site parking, although limited spaces!*

What is car sharing?

Car sharing is when two or more people share a car and travel together. It allows people to benefit from the convenience of the car, whilst also reducing congestion, pollution - and the costs of travel.

Glenair currently has 4 car sharing spaces at Phase 1 and 8 car sharing spaces at Phase 7.

If you would like to Drive to Glenair, please use the link below for directions:

Drive to Glenair

Public Transport

Visiting Glenair using public transport provides a whole host of personal and environmental benefits, reduction in carbon emissions, wear and tear on your vehicle and commute costs.

The Nottinghamshire journey planner helps you plan your journey through different modes of transport:

Nottinghamshire Journey Planner

Cycling & Walking

Cycling or walking is a healthy, affordable & environmentally friendly way to travel, cycle shelters are available across the sites.

Please use the link below to plan your journey:

Route Planner for Cycling & Walking

Bus Services

There are currently two bus services available that visit the Oakham business park, this is generally the cheapest form of public transport.

Bus timetables, and other useful information, are available below:

Trent Barton Bus Timetable Stagecoach Bus Timetable

Trent Barton Route Map Trent Barton Ticket Help

Super Commuter Route Map Super Commuter Pricing

Bus Stop Locations

Helpful Links

Protect Your Bike Bikeability Cycle Training

Road Safety for Cyclists Mansfield Cycing Guide

Healthy Walks Your Chance to Win £50!

Feedback Opportunities

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